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CCW Match

Date and Time

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM


PPC / Multi-Purpose Range
Plant Road
Frederick, MD  21702

Event Contact(s)

William T Ryan
Match Director



Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Concealed Carry Skills Development Match

General: The Concealed Carry Skills Match is a timed accuracy challenge at the PPC Range. It involves drawing from concealment and a required reload.

Description: The course of fire for the match will consist of identifying and engaging a group of paper or cardboard targets from a static position. The setup and the targets used are at the discretion of the Match Director. There is a mandatory reload each time the competitor engages the target array.

Participation Disqualification: The participant will be disqualified from the competition if any unsafe
actions are exhibited.

Disqualification actions include:
• Not maintaining proper finger control. The finger must be off the trigger until the firearm is on
• Allowing the muzzle to break the 180-degree rule.
• Coming to the firing line with a loaded firearm.
• Discharging the firearm in an unsafe direction or an uncontrolled manner.
Stage - A group of paper targets. Specific instructions for engaging the targets and the engagement sequence as determined by the Match Director.
Run – A competitor’s attempt at drawing the firearm and engaging the targets in the specified firing sequence.
Match - Three or more stages/runs.
Scoring: The targets used during a course of fire for the match will be either paper or cardboard. Each
target will have scoring zones and no-shoot areas defined. Successful hits in scoring zones will score from
one to three points. Hits on no-shoot areas are deducted from the point score total. The total points achieved, and the time required to complete the course of fire determines the score or hit factor for the course of fire.
Note: Hit factor is the total score divided by the elapsed time (in seconds) to complete the course of fire.

IMPORTANT: See the Match Information Page for Equipment Requirements!

About this event

You must have had formal training for carrying concealed and holster draw training for this match. 
This match may not be suited for new shooters.